Board of Education (NI)
True extent of diversity in schools highlighted
The Controlled Schools’ Support Council (CSSC) has launched the first ‘baseline assessment’ of the controlled schools sector in Northern Ireland.
The Controlled Schools’ Support Council (CSSC) has launched the first ‘baseline assessment’ of the controlled schools sector in Northern Ireland.
The Board of Education’s Autumn 2017 Newsbrief includes news, updates and resources in education, children’s ministry and Safeguarding Trust.
The Church of Ireland Safeguarding Board has been supporting a recent series of roadshows run by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) to highlight online safety and the role of child protection in this important and challenging area.
Martyn Payne from Bible Reading Fellowship recently led an inspiring series of workshops for clergy and Sunday school leaders on storytelling and all–age worship.
The Board of Education (Northern Ireland) has published the findings of its Safeguarding Trust Survey, including perspectives from parishes on implementing Safeguarding Trust and a number of new projects which will be taken forward.
Thirty Church of Ireland representatives will take part in a Safeguarding Board’s conference on ‘The Role of Faith Communities in Safeguarding Children in Northern Ireland’ on Thursday, 2nd June.
The Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland’s inter–faith sub–group is preparing to set up a discussion forum and host a regional conference on the role of the Churches in safeguarding as it moves into its second year of operation.
The Board of Education’s Spring 2016 Newsbrief includes news, updates and resources in education, Safeguarding Trust and children’s ministry. This edition features a report from the ‘Hand in Hand’ conference in Eastbourne, an overview of the principles of equality in education, and a preview of the Core Skills children’s ministry course to take place in Omagh in May and June.
The Church of Ireland Board of Education (N.I.) and the Church of Ireland Youth Department recently held a joint seminar for those working with children and young people in the church around ethical funding.