Provisional Timetable as a PDF (subject to alteration)
Reading from Holy Scripture and Prayer
Formal business and communications
Answers to requests for information (if any) (SO 51)
Report of the Representative Church Body (not less than 2 hours, inclusive of related motions, unless Synod directs otherwise)
(Including reports of the Church of Ireland Clergy Pensions Trustee DAC and the Church of Ireland Pensions Board)
Motion No. 16 – Allocations
Motion No. 17– Private Member’s Motion (Clergy Pensions Fund Levy)
Bills No. 1–9 Further stage as ordered on the first day
Motion No. 18 Journal of the General Synod (not more than 5 mins)
If business listed for any period is completed before the hour appointed, reports listed for Saturday afternoon will be taken in reverse order, commencing with the Marriage Council. References in this motion to a “report” shall include any motions accompanying such report on the agenda paper.