The Liturgical Advisory Committee (LAC) of the Church of Ireland is encouraging parishes to make time in their services on Sunday, 20th March 2022, to reflect on the Covid–19 pandemic, pray for those whose lives continue to be impacted, and remember those whose lives were lost. This date is suggested to coincide with the additional bank holiday on Friday, 18th March, which was announced by the Irish Government in January as a national commemoration of those who have lost their lives to Covid and to recognise frontline workers.
The LAC has prepared a Service for the Day of Remembrance and Recognition to enable parishes to mark this significant weekend, which will include a National Commemoration Event in the Garden of Remembrance in Parnell, Square, Dublin, on Sunday, 20th March.
The Most Reverend Dr Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin and Chair of the LAC, said: ‘The Covid–19 pandemic has proven a long and painful experience for people in Ireland and across the world. The Government’s decision to create an additional bank holiday to commemorate those who lost their lives to the pandemic and honour those who continue to make sacrifices is one which I warmly welcome.
‘On behalf of the Liturgical Advisory Committee, I am glad to be able to commend these resources, which have been developed during the past two years. I would encourage as many parishes as are able to consider using the Service for the Day of Remembrance and Recognition on Sunday, 20th March. Parishes might consider using this act of worship as part of their main Sunday service or as a separate service, inviting members of other Christian traditions and the wider community to attend.’