Easter Eve
11th April 2020
Principal Service
Collect One
Almighty and everlasting God,
who, of thy tender love towards mankind,
hast sent thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ,
to take upon him our flesh,
and to suffer death upon the cross,
that all mankind should follow the example of his great humility;
Mercifully grant,
that we may both follow the example of his patience,
and also be made partakers of his resurrection;
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.
Collect Two
No Post Communion is provided for Easter Eve.
Grant, Lord,
that we who are baptized into the death
of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ
may continually put to death our evil desires
and be buried with him;
and that through the grave and gate of death
we may pass to our joyful resurrection;
through his merits, who died and was buried
and rose again for us,
your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
Lent Collect
No Post Communion is provided for Easter Eve.
Grant, Lord,
that we who are baptized into the death
of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ
may continually put to death our evil desires
and be buried with him;
and that through the grave and gate of death
we may pass to our joyful resurrection;
through his merits, who died and was buried
and rose again for us,
your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
Almighty and everlasting God,
you hate nothing that you have made
and forgive the sins of all those who are penitent:
Create and make in us new and contrite hearts
that we, worthily lamenting our sins
and acknowledging our wretchedness,
may receive from you, the God of all mercy,
perfect remission and forgiveness;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The First Reading
The Psalm
The Second Reading
The Gospel Reading
View readingsPost Communion Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ,
you humbled yourself in taking the form of a servant
and in obedience died on the cross for our salvation.
Give us the mind to follow you
and to proclaim you as Lord and King,
to the glory of God the Father.
Suggested Hymns
1st Reading Job 14: 1–14
6* Immortal, invisible, God only wise
537* O God, our help in ages past
308 Revive your Church, O Lord
Alternative Lamentations 3: 1–9, 19–24
1st Reading 59* New every morning is the love
374* When all thy mercies, O my God
Psalm Psalm 31: 1–4, 15–16
Ms* A city strong we claim as ours
459* For all the saints who from their labours rest (vv. 1–3)
668* God is our fortress and our rock
620 O Lord, hear my prayer
557* Rock of ages, cleft for me
595* Safe in the shadow of the Lord
2nd Reading 1 Peter 4: 1–8
515* ‘A new commandment I give unto you’
525* Let there be love shared among us
The Gospel Matthew 27: 57–66
102* Name of all majesty
239* See, Christ was wounded for our sake
Alternative Gospel John 19: 38–42
231* My song is love unknown
239* See, Christ was wounded for our sake