Liturgical Advisory Committee
Centenary resources available on the Church of Ireland website
Two new resources for marking historical events, from the Liturgical Advisory Committee of the Church of Ireland, are now available online.
The first is a short two–page document containing readings and prayers which may be used and adapted in a variety of situations where parish clergy are asked to participate in local historical (and particularly centenary) commemorations. Hard copies of this A5 document will also be made available for each serving member of the clergy.
The second resource, entitled ‘A Service of Light for the reconciliation of local communities’, is intended to be used in contexts where historical, and especially centenary, events are being marked and where there may be a sense of celebration, solemnity and regret reflected in the experiences of participants. It includes symbolic acts including the lighting of torches and a chance for the participants to move between various spaces and centres of worship representing the whole community.
Both services can be downloaded at the following link:
The A5 prayer cards in hard copy will be distributed to clergy in due course.