Liturgical Advisory Committee
'Liturgical Space & Church Re-ordering' CIP Book Launched
Church of Ireland Publishes New Book on Good Practice in Liturgical Space and Church Re-ordering
L-R: At the launch, Canon Michael Kennedy, Bishop Michael Burrows, Dr Susan Hood (CIP) and Archdeacon Ricky Rountree
For many years the Church of Ireland has concentrated on the production of texts for worship in its work of liturgical renewal, such as the production of the Book of Common Prayer in 2004. Now the emphasis is moving to the actual places and spaces where these texts are used. Recognising that fresh texts often demand a fresh context, Liturgical Space and Church Re-ordering: issues of good practice has just been produced by Church of Ireland Publishing. The recently launched publication attempts to show how good and theologically-informed liturgical practice can be consonant with best practice in matters of architecture and care of heritage buildings.
These guidelines, produced in handy paperback format, have been developed by the Church’s Liturgical Advisory Committee (LAC) and are published with the authority of the General Synod 2010. The publication should be of considerable value to parishes contemplating the re-ordering of their liturgical space and also of use in the conversations with planners and statutory heritage bodies that today’s circumstances require. It contains advice on contextual and practical matters and wider considerations as well as a useful bibliography, resource list and appendices relating to re-ordering in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Speaking on behalf of the LAC at the book launch, the Venerable Ricky Rountree said, ‘The overall aim is to achieve the best possible outcome in terms of liturgical practice, with minimal and acceptable impact on buildings of major historical significance. The guidelines challenge congregations to consider how they can best use – if necessary re-order – the spaces in which they worship, so as to make clear that liturgy is the work of the whole people of God. The context of the liturgy, and the manner of its articulation, demand reappraisal in each generation of the Christian pilgrim story.’
A copy of Liturgical Space and Church Re-ordering: issues of good practice will be sent to each incumbent and benefice of the Church of Ireland but additional copies are also available for sale to interested parties priced £5 stg or €6 from the Good Bookshop, Donegall Street, Belfast and the Resource Centre, Holy Trinity, Rathmines, Dublin.
For further information on Church of Ireland Publishing, visit
Members of the Liturgical Advisory Committee at the launch of the Liturgical Space book launch
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