Liturgical Advisory Committee
Liturgical Advisory Committee News, November 2009
The Liturgical Advisory Committee held its two day meeting on 24th & 25th November. One of the main emphases of the two-day meeting is to receive updates from the sub-committees and to prioritise the ongoing work of those groups. Another is to give some focus to other subjects the Committee has been considering.
The Psalter sub-committee reported on the launches of “Singing Psalms Year C”, and on the proposed continuing work of that group in completing the cycle with Year A in 2010. It was noted that, whilst the take-up by some parishes with a strong tradition of Anglican Chant had not been as the Committee might have hoped, the testimonies from parishes looking to re-introduce the singing of the psalms in this alternative method had been extremely encouraging. There was also reported evidence that some parish clergy had not passed on information to their organists or music leaders, either about the launches or about the existence of “Singing Psalms”. The LAC is committed to continuing its compiling a database of parish organists and musical directors to be able to provide them with information directly.
Equally encouraging were the testimonies from those who had used “Celebrating Communion”, the first publication in the Prism Series. (It was reported that the Leader’s copies are currently out of print.) The Prism sub-committee gave a presentation of the proposed second work in the Series on the subject of Baptism. It is expected to launch this publication at the General Synod in 2010.
The Electronic Liturgy sub-committee gave an update on progress with the Worship section of the CoI website. With the Sunday Lectionary available on-line, the next objective is to have the Daily Prayer readings accessible in the same way. It is hoped to have this ready to go live in January 2010. Once that is completed work will continue to have Daily Prayer linked to the readings to make available an on-line resource of the daily office. This group would also be interested in hearing ideas that others may have about what could be made available through this web page. It was also noted that registered users of Visual Liturgy 4 received an email in October last from the new publishers (Hymns Ancient and Modern) stating that “the calendar in VL4 expires in December 2010, meaning that it will not be possible to plan services using VL4 after this date”, and offering a reduced price to upgrade to Visual Liturgy Live. Whilst the offer seems good (and the Irish module does work with VL Live) all the new material in VL Live is primarily for use with the Church of England’s ‘Common Worship’. The advice from the LAC at this point is, given that we have another year before the changed kick-in, continue using VL4 without the upgrade whilst we have had further talks with the publishers.
With regard to other subjects the Committee is addressing, Eucharistic Prayers for use with children is receiving consideration, as is new hymnody resources that have emerged during the past fifteen years, which could provide a modest, low-cost supplement to Church Hymnal 5.
At our next meeting in January, we look forward to the Revd Peter Moger (National Worship Development Officer with the Church of England Liturgical Commission) spending time with us.
This was the first meeting since hearing of the death of one of our members, Dr. Robin Marsh. We extend our sympathies and prayers to Robin’s widow Barbara, and to their family. A valued member of the LAC, Robin’s contributions will be greatly missed. May he rest in peace.
Hon. Sec. Revd. Gerald G. Field
The Rectory, Church Avenue, Tullamore, Co. Offaly.
Tel: 057 9321731
Email: Honorary Secretary