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Church of Ireland Notes from ‘The Irish Times’

End of Year at CITI

An Integrated Seminar on ‘Culture and Witness’ is being held at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute this weekend. This will represent the end of the teaching semester for those on the Non–Residential M Th. Course. The guest speakers will be the Right Revd Dr Graham Tomlin, Director of the Church of England’s Centre for Cultural Witness, and Professor Maggi Dawn, from Durham University.

It is also a teaching weekend for students taking the Certificate in Christian Theology and Practice, with lectures by Dr Margaret Daly–Denton on ‘Encountering the New Testament’ and Dr Bridget Nichols on ‘Leading Public Worship’, and on Saturday there is a Reflective Learning Day for trainee OLMs and Readers led by the Bishop of Kilmore, Dr Ferran Glenfield, the Bishop of Clogher, Dr Ian Ellis, and the Revd Ken Rue.

The Theological Institute is celebrating 60 years in Braemor Park this year, and so Bishop Tomlin is also giving a lecture to invited guests this afternoon (Saturday) followed by a buffet reception.

The end–of–year continues with a joint Integrated Seminar between CITI and the Methodist Ministries Team on Monday and Tuesday, at which the guest speakers will again be Bishop Tomlin and Professor Dawn.

Last Sunday in St Patrick’s cathedral, Dublin, the preacher at Choral Evensong was the Revd Fr Simon Nolan, O.Carm., Prior of the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Whitefriar Street, Dublin 8. The occasion marked Fr Nolan’s election as Prior Provincial of the Irish Province of the Carmelite Order, as well as honouring the harmonious and thriving œcumenical relationship which exists between the Carmelite Church and St Patrick’s, not least through accommodation being provided at the Priory for the Canon in Residence at the latter. The former Prior in Whitefriar Street, Fr Brian McKay, O. Carm., has served as Prebendary of Clondalkin on the Chapter of St Patrick’s since 2018.

Tomorrow (Sunday) morning the Archbishop of Dublin will preside at the service to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the consecration of St Philip & St James church, Booterstown. The parish was created as a perpetual curacy out of the parish of St Mary, Donnybrook, in 1821 and the patronage was vested in the Archdeacon of Dublin until 1870 The church was bult in 1824 on a piece of ground given on Cross Avenue.by the Earl of Pembroke.

The Ecumenical Service for Pentecost Sunday in Clogher Diocese will take place

this year at Lough Derg, Pettigo in Co. Donegal. Both Bishops of Clogher, the Right Revd Dr. Ian Ellis and the Most Revd Larry Duffy, will participate in the service which begins at 3pm and the address will be given by Monsignor Laurence Flynn, Prior of Lough Derg.

On Monday at 6pm, Christ Church cathedral, Dublin, will welcome Simon Harden, Organist and Director of Music of Christ Church cathedral, Waterford and Lecturer at TU Dublin, to open the cathedral’s second annual spring recital series. The forty–five minute recitals will continue each Monday evening until the end of June featuring both local and international organists offering a feast of music. Christ Church especially looks forward to welcoming back former Assistant Director of Music, Jack Oades, now in Exeter cathedral, to close the series. Recitals are free to attend.

On Tuesday evening the Archbishop of Dublin will attend the Installation Ceremony of Chief Rabbi Yoni Wieder at the Dublin Hebrew Synagogue.

Summer Music at Sandford 2024 continues in Sandford parish church, Ranelagh ,on Friday at 1.10 pm with a piano recital by Ischico Velzel.



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