Day 4
General Synod 2024 Concludes
General Synod 2024 has drawn to a close with the second online session this evening (Thursday May 16).
The Journal Motion was proposed by the Honorary Secretaries and passed by members.
Archbishop John McDowell observed that ending a Synod online was very different to ending an in person Synod.
He thanked the Assessor, Lyndon MacCann for his help and wished him well on Saturday. He also thanked Jonathon Hull for all his technical support and the knowledge he has brought to make both in the person and online sessions possible.
He thanked the staff of the Synod Department for all their work on what he described as a seven or eight day Synod between the in person and online meetings. He paid tribute to the Honorary Secretaries for negotiating the difficulties in Synod and for getting through the business on time despite unusual events. Finally the Archbishop thanked the Synod members for their patience.
Canon Gillian Wharton thanked Archbishop McDowell for his chairing of Synod and Bishop Burrows for navigating the many Bills. She paid tribute to Bishop Pat Storey and noted that when she continued her speech on Saturday there had been long applause from members.
Archbishop McDowell concluded with the Collect for Pentecost.