Day 4
Synod Agrees Motion to Simplify Bills Procedure Terminology
A Motion which amends terminology in the Bills Procedure as outlined in Standing Orders has been proposed at General Synod meeting online this evening (Thursday May 16).
Proposing the motion Ken Gibson, on behalf of the Honorary Secretaries, outlined where changes to the Standing Orders would lead General Synod. He said that that there was no change to the process but simply to the terminology.
He said the changes were being considered because, although the process has served Synod well for over 100 years, feedback and lobbying by members shows that many members are uncertain about how the process works. Revising the terminology will help members understand the process better and facilitate discussion, he stated.
Mr Gibson said the motion was straight forward but required considerable rewording of Standing Orders.
These proposals have been agreed by the Standing Committee and the Standing Orders Committee, he added.
There were a number of amendments to the motion. Andrew Brannigan sought to allow the proposer retain the possibility of speaking for 10 minutes which was agreed. Other amendments sought to amend some typographical details. These were carried.
The motion was passed.
Readers can view the presentation on the changes to simplify the wording here in PDF format.