Day 1
Bill dealing with conflicts of interest on Boards of Nomination comes before Synod
The Commission on Ministry presented a Bill dealing with conflicts of interests or loyalty for diocesan lay nominators to General Synod meeting online this evening (Thursday September 30).
Bill No 3 provides that no person shall act, or be capable of acting, as a diocesan nominator with respect to any parish of which such person shall be at the time a parochial nominator or registered vestry member.
Proposing the Bill, Hazel Corrigan (Hon Sec) said: “Members of Synod will be aware of the importance of good governance within the process of nomination to the key office in our church as parish incumbent. Within this process the Commission felt that potential conflicts could arise where a nominator from the parish being filled is sitting on the Board in a diocesan nominator’s role. This would be in line with clerical nominators who cannot sit on a Board of Nomination to fill a vacancy which their move has caused.”
The Bill was seconded by Mr Baker.
Members of Synod agreed that the Bill could proceed to the next stage. The Bill will receive its third reading on Saturday morning.