Press Releases
New canons installed at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin
On Sunday 4th July, the Very Revd Dr William Morton, Dean of Saint Patrick’s, installed the Revd Katharine Poulton, the Very Revd Kenneth Hall, and the Revd Malcolm Kingston as Prebendaries of Swords, Tassagard and Yagoe respectively on the Chapter of the National Cathedral. We pray God richly to bless their ministry among us.
Canons Poulton and Hall were elected by the Chapter, and Canon Kingston was appointed by the Archbishop of Armagh, in January of this year. The lengthy delay between election, appointment and installation is a result of Church and State restrictions relating to the Coronavirus pandemic.
The National Cathedral and Collegiate Church of Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin
Saint Patrick’s Close
Dublin 8
+ 353 (0)1 475 4817