Church of Ireland Theological Institute
Braemor Park
Dublin 14
D14 KX24
Loc8: NP4-94-CM7
+353 (0)1 492 3506
+353 (0)1 492 3082
The Theological Institute is responsible for ministerial formation and lay training within the context of the Bishops’ Vision for ‘Growth, Unity and Service’ in the life and witness of the Church of Ireland.
Under God, the Institute seeks to be a learning environment which embodies the principles of Christian community and the values of Christian discipleship. It is the prayer and commitment of all who are involved in CITI that those who study there are equipped for the task of fulfilling the Great Commission, to serve the Church and to reach the world. In pursuing this, the Institute constantly strives after excellence and in everything we desire to emulate and honour Jesus Christ.
The central aims of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute are to:
The Institute’s additional overall aspirations are to:
In addition to the Foundation Course and Master in Theology course, the Institute offers a Lay Training programme, Reader’s Course, Children’s Ministry Certificate and other lecture series throughout the year.
More information is available on the Institute’s website:
Church of Ireland Theological Institute
Braemor Park
Dublin 14
D14 KX24
Loc8: NP4-94-CM7
+353 (0)1 492 3506
+353 (0)1 492 3082